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Kids Back Kidderminster Library Christmas Card Appeal


Children at Little Trinity Nursery have been busy colouring and painting Christmas cards for local people to enjoy as part of this year’s Kidderminster Library’s Christmas Card Appeal.

Nursery Manager Gaynor Carter said, “Every year, we help by having the children make Christmas cards, which Kidderminster Library distributes to the elderly and housebound during Christmas. The library also lends books for people to enjoy throughout the festive season.”

This engaging and inclusive Christmas activity offers the nursery children a chance to express their creativity while enjoying the process of making various Christmas cards and festive designs.

Added Gaynor: “The children really love creative activities, and this seasonal pursuit allows them to show off their budding artistic skills. They’ve had such a wonderful time and lots of fun and were able to practice their writing skills signing their names on their cards.

“Supporting Kidderminster Library’s Christmas Card Appeal is such as worthwhile cause and helps spread a little joy within our community for those not able to share Christmas with family.”


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